About Me

I am a Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow at Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany with Prof. Irene Burghardt. I specialise in computational and theoretical chemistry, with a particular interest in method development in quantum chemistry and dynamics, and application to photochemistry and molecular materials. Currently, I am engaged with projects on molecules for organic photovoltaics, semiconductors and photoswitches.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Italian National Research Council, Institute of Biostructure and Bioimaging in Naples, Italy, with Dr. Roberto Improta investigating the ultrafast dynamics and spectroscopy of DNA. I also worked closely with Dr. Fabrizio Santoro at the Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds in Pisa, with whom I developed the Overdia code to convert TD-DFT data into parameters for excitonic and quantum dynamics models.

I carried out a PhD at the University of Leeds from 2014-2018, under the supervision of Prof. Dmitry Shalashilin. My PhD project was primarily concerned with method development of the coupled coherent states method of quantum dynamics, and I also got my first taste of theoretical photochemistry, thanks to a collaborative project with Prof. Vas Stavros and Dr. Neil Cole-Filipiak at the University of Warwick on ultrafast photodissociation.

I obtained my undergraduate degree in chemistry from Durham University in 2010-2014, including a Masters project with Prof. David Tozer on density functional theory, where my passion for quantum chemistry truly began.